Training Reminder - Saturday 23rd March

Training is on this Saturday at Bendwood Park from 11am.

Please keep in mind our first Metro Game - March 31st.  We will be joined by the lovely local netballers, and enjoy a bevvie with them post game day activities - so all you desperate single lads, this is your chance ;)  Following the game we will head over to the Firkin to celebrate the start of footy season in style!

We are planning on a game in Baton Rouge on May 12th which is the day before Mothers Day - how many of you wouldn't be able to make it (btw - you will be publicly outed as a mommys/mummys boy if you can't!!)? Please let me know - so we can reschedule that match.

Jumper update - they didn't get delivered on time for me to bring them back from Oz, I am following up and will have more news shortly - hopefully will have them by our first game v Baton Rouge.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Coach Dan